Marijuana Legislation

"It is only February, and already more people have died from peanut butter than from pot"

This quote explains the purpose of this website.  Supporters of legalizing marijuana are not neccessarily "tree-hugging" liberals, nor are they "drugged up".  Scholarly scientists as well as intellectuals are convinced that marijuana is by no means as dangerous as most crack it up to be.  This site is dedicated to the ongoing movement for reform in Marijuana Legislation.

Quick Facts about Marijuana

Marijuana has been around since ancient times. It wasn’t considered a problem until America launched a campaign against it in the late 1930's.

Billions of dollars each year are spend on marijuana just in the United States.

Nobody has ever died from an overdose of marijuana - can't say that about alcohol.


Recent Scientific Studies have proven:

1.  Cannabis, unlike Alcohol and Cocaine, does NOT cause violent behavior.

2.  Marijuana helps with stress relief, pain relief, meditation, as well as eating disorders.

3.  It is proven that driving under the influence of marijuana is NOT DANGEROUS.

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4.  Marijuana helps prevent Alzheimer's disease. 

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